Sunday, September 27, 2009


The renown academic journal of ATHE (Association for Theatre in Higher Education) THEATRE TOPICS just published a wonderful review of A BALANCING ACT in its September 2009 issue, written by Barbara Sellers-Young of York University.


"In fifteen chapter and six appendices, Chaulet's carefully crafted
method takes the actor on a journey from personal awareness of his/her energy system, to an application of that knowledge in the creation of a character."

"Since Stanislavski's initiation of this trend at the beginning of the twentieth century with his use of yoga to train actors, systems of body knowledge have increasingly become part of mainstream performance training.. [..] Chaulet's A BALANCING ACT is part of this transnational discourse in actor training. Its strength is in the insight it provides regarding how an actor can integrate these discursive fields within
Linka personal approach to performance, and this is the audience for whom it seems to be written."

To read the review, please go to Theatre Topics/project muse website.

Theatre Topics Volume 19, Number 2, September 2009 E-ISSN: 1086-3346 Print ISSN: 1054-8378 DOI: 10.1353/tt.0.0064