Thursday, May 7, 2009

SPRING CLEAN YOUR ACTING SELF! Holistic Acting Workhop - Saturday, June 13

Energize: a Holistic Approach to Acting

Introductory workshop with Emmanuelle Chaulet
(for committed actors)
  • The Mind/body/spirit connection,
  • Energy awareness, What are chakras, aura, the Energy system (overview)
  • Applications in acting, bridging inside-out/outside-in approaches,
(lecture and exercises)

with Focus on Post-Performance Blues: Finding closure after the emotional roller-coaster of performance
  • Post-performance stress analysis,
  • post-show closure meditation, visualization
  • character withdrawal.
(lecture and exercises)

WHEN: Saturday June 13, 1 pm-5 pm

WHERE: Dana Warp Mill, Westbrook, Maine.

FEE: $60 /participants (students $50)

Payment required by June 1.

REGISTER NOW: To register email: 

THE BOOK: A BALANCING ACT, the development of Energize a holistic approach to acting will help students go further and retain a lot more of the presented information. $24.95 (Starlight Acting Books 2008)

Starlight Acting Books offer a 10% discount on the book for individual students attending workshops. to get the discount 

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